Fololeni Curr's Lo'i Feke



2 ½ cups Octopus (precooked Octopus)
2 cups Vegetable Oil (for frying)
2 medium Kumala (peeled and thinly sliced)
1 cup ripe Plantain (cut into coins)
2 tbsp. Virgin Coconut Oil
2 tsp. Garlic (finely chopped)
1 small ripe Pawpaw (peeled, seeds removed and diced)
3 medium Tomatoes (diced)
1 cup Yellow Onions (chopped)
2 cups Coconut Cream
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 tbsp. Red Chilies (chopped)
1 cup Watercress (trimmed and washed)

Prepare the Octopus by dicing into one 2 cm cubes
Using a fry pan heat up the vegetable oil to 170 degrees then fry off the kumala until crisp. Then fry the plantain coins. Let drain and add salt and pepper.
In another pot, heat coconut oil and sauté garlic, pawpaw, tomatoes and onions for 10 minutes. Add octopus and cook for another 5 minutes.
Add the coconut cream to the mixture and stir. Let it simmer for 10 mins on a medium heat.
Season with Salt and Pepper according to your taste, add chili just before you take pot off the heat. Serve with the watercress and lemon wedges, add Kumala and Plantain crisps.


  1. Prepare the Octopus by dicing into one 2cm cubes.
  2. Using a fry pan heat up the vegetable oil to 170 degrees then fry off the kumala until crisp. Then fry the plantain coins. Let drain and add salt and pepper.
  3. In another pot, heat coconut oil and sauté garlic, pawpaw, tomatoes and onions for 10 minutes. Add octopus and cook for another 5 minutes.
  4. Add the coconut cream to the mixture and stir. Let it simmer for 10 mins on a medium heat.
  5. Season with Salt and Pepper according to your taste, add chili just before you take pot off the heat. Serve with the watercress and lemon wedges, add Kumala and Plantain crisps.

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