Chef John's Ulu Nuggets



4 cups cooked Ulu(Breadfruit)
1 Onions(fine diced)
4 cloves Garlic (minced)
1 thumb Ginger (minced)
Salt & Pepper
Local Virgin Coconut Oil
2 tsp Curry Powder
Taro Leaves
1 cup fresh Coconut Cream


  1. Mash the Breadfruit.
  2. Saute the garlic ,ginger, curry powder and onions then add to the mash, salt and pepper.
  3. Shape into golf ball sized balls then fry in the coconut oil until golden.
  4. Make your Palusami sauce by blanching the Taro leaves, then strain. Add to a medium hot pan with the coconut cream and simmer until thick, use a whisk to make smooth, add salt and pepper if needed.

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