Mafi and Mia's Sea Urchin Soup



1 medium sized Purple Kumara (precooked and diced)
1 medium Lobster (precooked-meat removed and chopped)
1 medium size Snapper (Gutted and scaled)
1 tbsp Virgin Coconut Oil
1 medium size Octopus (precooked and chopped)
¼ cup Tukumisi (Sea Urchin)
1 tsp Coriander (chopped)
1 tbsp Fresh Chilli
100mls Lemon juice
200mls Coconut Cream
2tbsp Ginger (thinly sliced)
2 tbsp Turmeric (thinly sliced)
2tbsp Spring Onion (chopped)


  1. Remove the skin from the snapper and put aside.
  2. Cut the snapper into cubes and fry until cooked, then fry the skin until crisp (this is your garnish).
  3. Put the sea urchin, coriander, lemon juice, chilli and coconut cream into a blender and blend until smooth, this forms the base of the soup.
  4. To plate:
    Put the kumara into the bottom of the bowl add the sliced octopus and some of the lobster tail, pour the soup into the bowl, about half full so you can still see the other ingredients.
  5. For the Garnish:
    Sauté the ginger and turmeric in a pan until golden brown and crispy, put on top of the soup with the crispy fish skin and the chopped spring onion.

Team Tonga Recipes Mafi and Mia

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